Celebrating Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Success

TASIS England is delighted to announce the excellent Advanced Placement (AP) exam results achieved this year.

Congratulations to our AP candidates who achieved an 86% exam pass rate and an impressive average mean score of 4.0 out of a maximum of 5, significantly higher than the world averages of 65% and 3.2, respectively.This year, 416 AP exams were taken by 179 students, 92% of whom attained a passing grade on at least one exam. Given that 55 of these students were either in Grades 9 or 10, this is indeed an exceptional performance. In addition, 87 of the students were recognized as AP scholars, a status awarded to those who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more exams. Of these, 43 were named AP Scholars with Distinction (achieving a mean score of 4.34) and 20 are AP Scholars with Honor (with a mean score of 4.18).Seven TASIS England students also achieved AP International Diploma status (with a mean score of 4.34). This globally recognized certificate acknowledges the exceptional achievement of candidates who score 3 or higher on five or more AP Exams covering four content areas.Of the exams taken by our students this year, 36% received the maximum score of 5, and 65% were awarded a score of 4 or higher. Head of School Bryan Nixon commented, “The excellent scores earned by our students are once again well above global results. This success reflects a resolute commitment to learning by our students, purposeful teaching by our faculty, and excellent support from our parents.We are grateful to our dedicated teachers and proud of our determined students. As we celebrate their achievements, we also encourage them to continue to fully engage in their learning journey and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, whether here at TASIS England or in their new learning communities and universities.”AP courses are developed by the American College Board. Universities around the world value success in these externally graded, subject-based exams.TASIS England’s 2024 AP exam results are summarized below:● 86% exam pass rate (world average 65%)
● An average mean score of 4.0 (world average is 3.2)
● 36% of the exams were scored 5 (out of 5)
● 65% of the exams were scored 4 or higher
● 92% of our AP candidates scored 3 or higher on at least one exam
● 87 students qualified as AP Scholars (43 with Distinction, 20 with Honor)
● 7 students were awarded with an AP International Diploma

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