
In today’s world, technology is integral to every part of our lives. Global businesses seeking a competitive edge are using cutting-edge technologies to modernise systems, increase efficiencies, improve the customer experience, and add value for clients. Read more

It’s not surprising, therefore, that a variety of high-quality technology solutions are emerging to support the global mobility sector. These include: software to help companies to manage and deliver their mobility programmes and track their employees to ensure compliance with immigration, tax and social security regulations; devices and apps that help to control the cost of managing international assignments; and solutions for global mobility training and communication, recruitment and talent management.

The growing range of technologies designed to make life easier for relocating employees and their families includes solutions for cross-cultural support, security tracking, health monitoring and advice, area orientation, and property tours.

This section keeps you up to date with the latest technology developments for global mobility, HR, international assignees, and relocating staff, in the UK and around the world. It also covers such hot topics as trends, up-and-coming locations for technology companies, relocation in the technology sector, mergers and acquisitions, and more.

For detailed coverage of specific topics, see our Immigration, Corporate Finance, International Assignments, Talent Management, Mobility Industry, Culture & Language, Global Health and Wellness, Residential Property, and Partner & Family Support sections. For details of organisations in the global mobility industry that provide international assignment and relocation services, see our Directory. To have the latest information delivered straight to your inbox, subscribing to our newsletters and other publications.

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