Global Health and Wellness

As companies look further afield to promote growth and operational capability, each day's media headlines – whether on air pollution in China or the latest disease epidemic or superbug – present employers based in affected areas and those managing international assignments with fresh health and wellness challenges. Read more

No organisation today can afford to neglect its duty of care. To reduce health risks to individuals, and business and reputational risks to their employers, planning, preparation and up-to-date information are vital. Health and safety awareness should be included in international assignment preparation and intercultural training. Ensuring that international assignees, particularly those based in remote locations, are always connected is also key. This has been made easier by the advance of travel-tracking technology solutions, apps, and social media.

With contributions from experts, this section provides HR, global mobility professionals and relocating employees with the news, articles, and advice they need to keep up with the latest developments in health and wellness and stay abreast of medical and health alerts and advice, international private medical insurance (IPMI), wellness at work, family health and security management, and health-related technology. It also features insights from the latest global mobility surveys.

For detailed coverage of other specific global mobility topics, See also our International Assignments, Business Travel, Human Resources, Talent Management, Technology, Mobility Industry, Culture & Language, For Expatriates, and Partner & Family Support sections. For details of organisations in the global mobility industry that provide international assignment, relocation and health-related services, see our Directory. Stay informed by subscribing to our newsletters and other publications.

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