Travellers urged to reconsider visits to China following coronavirus outbreak
Two Chinese cities are on lockdown and international airports are monitoring visitors in a bid to contain the highly infectious coronavirus.

- As of 6 February, the death toll has risen to 563 people and more than 28,000 people worldwide have caught the virus.
- As of 12 March 2020, the death toll has risen to 4,749 and more than 129,185 people worldwide have the virus.
International spread in at least eight countries
WHO has since confirmed evidence of human-to-human transmission of 2019-nCoV and global news outlets have reported cases in Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and the US.Dr Adrian Hyzler, chief medical officer for Healix International says, “Wuhan is a huge city with a same size population as New York, and is right in the centre of the world’s most populous country.“The annual Lunar New Year (‘humanity’s largest migration’) is fast approaching which marks a time when hundreds of millions of people travel around the country and into the country. More importantly, they will then travel back to their resident countries. We would expect a leap in cases as the virus spreads further around China and significant international spread.”Efforts to contain the virus
On 22 January, WHO’s director general, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, convened with the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations to ascertain whether the 2019-nCoV outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Meanwhile, authorities around the world have announced screening measures for passengers from China.Dr Hyzler adds, “From a positive viewpoint, the Chinese authorities have been visibly much more open than before in distributing information, they have identified the virus very quickly and communicated the gene sequencing with the WHO, which is coordinating global efforts to control the spread... There is no cure for these types of viruses but infection in vulnerable people – the elderly, young children, those with ongoing illnesses and reduced immunity – must be identified early so that they can be given supportive treatment to help them through the illness.”Wuhan and neighbouring city Huanggang are on ‘lockdown’ with public transport suspended and people being told not to leave. Other cities are also taking steps to restrict movement and contact, such as cancelling major public events.Sarah Dennis, head of international for Towergate Health & Protection says, "As with any potential health outbreak or emergency, we would urge employers to seek advice from reputable sources such as the WHO, The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), their healthcare provider or specialist adviser. Such organisations will be monitoring the situation and have the most up-to-date advice."Advice for international travellers
Symptoms of 2019-nCoV include fever, difficulty breathing and a cough. Healix International offers the following advice for people travelling to and from affected areas.Precautions for travellers travelling to or from Wuhan, China:- Avoid contact with animals (alive or dead), animal markets, and products that come from animals such as uncooked meat or skins and hides of animals.
- Avoid contact with sick people, especially if they appear feverish or have respiratory symptoms such as coughing or sneezing.
- Wash hands often with soap and water.
- Seek urgent medical care but make sure that you phone ahead to warn of your symptoms and travel history.
- Stay home, apart from seeking medical care, and avoid contact with others.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue/Kleenex when coughing or sneezing – make sure you dispose of the tissue carefully.
Latest update
Chinese authorities broaden regional lock-downs as case numbers continue to rise in China and the rest of the world.The outbreak has been caused by a ‘coronavirus’, thought to have jumped from an unknown animal source to humans in Wuhan’s Huanan South China Seafood Market.
While cases have been confirmed in at least 10 countries to date, WHO, which convened on Wednesday to decide whether to escalate this outbreak, concluded it is "too early” to declare a PHEIC.
In China, major celebrations have been cancelled by authorities, while regional lock-downs have been broadened with transport hubs closed and road-blocks in place to prevent the movement of people ahead of the Lunar New Year. A shortage of supplies and overstretched hospitals are causing panic among the 33 million people in the locked-down area.
If you or any of your employees are currently operating in the area, Healix International has issued a detailed report of the situation containing their assessment and latest advice.
Read more news and features about China.
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