Country Guide to Schools in Canada

Finding the right school is a top priority for relocating families. This Guide is designed for parents, employers and relocation professionals. It provides information about the top international schools in Canada, international education advice, information about choosing the best schooling option and applying for a school place.

Education & Schools in Canada

The York School Canada

A Canadian education

In international comparison tests, Canada’s school students rank among the best in the world. Given that this is a bilingual country with no integrated national education system and no federal department of education, however, relocating parents will need to navigate different systems across the 13 jurisdictions. We take a look at considerations for families looking for a school.
The British School in the Netherlands

How to make the most of an international school Open Day

Everything prospective parents, employers and relocation professionals need to know when researching and looking around global schools.
The British School Warsaw, Poland

Full STEAM ahead

How are international schools engaging students with STEAM subjects to answer business demand for employees with transferrable problem-solving skills and creativity, and the increased interest of in recent grads in tech and innovation jobs?

Featured Articles

St Georges British International School Rome

Applying for school places out of term time

Getting the timing right when moving children to a new school is just one of many things on the relocating family’s to-do list, but what if a move inevitably falls outside of the usual school admissions rounds? We take a look at how parents can best manage the process.
Town Centre Private Schools

Read the big print: choosing the right international school

As there is no standard international school system, parents seeking the best education for their children can be faced with a confusing range of variables. Author and cross-cultural consultant Dr Richard Pearce presents his tips on asking the right questions and understanding exactly what is on offer.

Guide to International Education & Schools

Relocate Global's Guide to International Education & Schools Supplement is packed with information on education around the world with expert tips for those relocating and the professionals supporting them.
