Why transition care matters in schools webinar

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12 November (Thursday 11.00am to 12.pm GMT )

This timely webinar on the importance of transition care includes a presentation by Valérie Besanceney based on her book B at Home and accompanying My Moving Book workbook and experience as a teacher and transition consultant.

She will also join an inspiring panel discussion with extensive experience in global mobility and education who have a deep understanding of how to manage transition well for children and families to thrive.

They will explore how understanding the challenges of mobility and relocation is essential in international schools and all schools today, as schools and employer organisations respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and embrace change.

Valérie Besanceney - author of B at Home and accompanying My Moving Book workbook, Educator and Transition Consultant (Roots with Boots)


Valérie Besanceney (BA, MA, MEd) is an international education and transition consultant and author, passionate about helping families thrive through transitions. She is Dutch by birth, Swiss by nationality, and well-versed in cross cultural awareness. Having moved several times before the age of 18, Valérie understands the challenges and impact of early transitions on your sense of identity and belonging as an adult. She has over 15 years of teaching experience in international schools across four continents. As the author of two children’s books, B at Home: Emma Moves Again and My Moving Booklet, she hopes to offer children who are moving a story to identify with and an opportunity to write their own story. Currently, Valérie is the COO of Safe Passage Across Networks and the co-Program Director for both Families in Global Transition. You can find out more about her work on her website: www.rootswithboots.com.

Jane Barron - Researcher, Educator, Intercultural Transition Specialist and Consultant (Globally  Grounded)


Jane Barron (MEd) is a youth intercultural transition specialist, educator, researcher, speaker and author. Her work is informed by 27 years experience in both international and local schools, parenting two cross-cultural children, a domestically mobile childhood and repatriation to Australia. Founder of Globally Grounded, Jane consults to international and local schools, families and students crossing cultures - developing their understanding of the impact of cross-cultural mobility, creating programs and implementing support mechanisms to enhance learning and life. A Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) Board Member and 2017 Parfitt Pascoe Writing Residency Scholar, Jane is co-author of Insights and Interviews from the 2017 Families in Global Transition Conference-Building on The Basics: Creating Your Tribe on the Move.

Claudine Hakim - Head of Advancement, Transitions and Student Support at International School of London 


Claudine Hakim is Head of Advancement, Transitions and Student Support at the International School of London (ISL). She was one of the founding Head Teachers at ISL Surrey and is the leader of the award winning ISL Crossroads Transitions programme. Having lived in three continents, Claudine is passionate about fostering well-balanced and inclusive international communities. Claudine is a member of the ECIS Admissions Special Interest Committee and is a Board member of Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) as Director of Partnerships. Claudine holds a Masters degree from the University College of London, Institute of Education in Educational Leadership and Management and a BA in Psychology and Counselling from Richmond International University. 

Ryan Haynes, Director of Academic & Personal Counseling at Taipei American School


Ryan Haynes is currently the Director of Upper School Academic and Personal Counseling at Taipei American School (TAS). He has previously worked in Oman and Thailand, as well. Over his close to two decade career as an international school counselor, Ryan has assisted hundreds of students and families through the stages of transition. As a CCK himself, Ryan and his wife are raising two TCK sons. Ryan is also a member of the SPAN Board, in which he serves as Treasurer. Since the SPAN Pre-Conference at the Families in Global Transitions (FIGT) Conference in The Netherlands in 2017, he has been a strong advocate of educating school communities about the importance of transitions care in international settings. 

Interviewer: Jayne Constantinis

Host & Panel: Fiona Murchie 


Meet the speakers

Find out more about all of the speakers and panelists who participated in the autumn 2020 Great International Education & Schools Fair.

Find the perfect school from the comfort of your home

Now is the ideal time to discover the right school for your child. As schools hosted Open Days and Virtual Events throughout the autumn, we used the opportunity throughout November to showcase the schools around the world that welcome relocating families and international students, not only at the beginning of a new academic year, but also at any time, with rolling admissions to meet the needs of families on the move.

The next Great International Education & Schools' Fair is coming in spring 2021

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