Future of Work Festival Supporter: EuRA
EuRA, the European Relocation Association, is a supporter of the Future of Work Festival.

EuRA (the European Relocation Association) is managed by a dedicated team of professionals who share a common professional interest in global mobility and the betterment of the relocation industry service provision. As well as the team of empassioned professionals who run the day to day operations from our UK based office, EuRA enjoys the support of elected council members from around Europe who represent their local regions.EuRA TeamsDay to day activities are coordinated by EuRA's appointed CEO Tad Zurlinden and COO Dominic Tidey. They are supported by the permanent EuRA office team which is based in the UK. Briony Horwood, Maria Manly and Maree Turner help coordinate our membership, accreditation and education programmes, administration, research, communications and events.The Executive GroupEuRA is managed by an elected governing council of nine, with a President and a Vice-President in office for a period of one year, which can be extended to two at the invitation of the Council. Council members serve for a two year term on a voluntary basis. Each council member represents their local region, ensuring any national issues are addressed on a European level.The Executive Group is made up of representatives from EuRA's five regions; Northern consisting the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland; Southern consisting France,Spain, Portugal, Italy & Greece; Central consisting Germany, Austria and Switzerland; Benelux consisting Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg; Eastern consisting Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia & Ukraine
Visit the EuRA website to learn more
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