Permits Foundation News Update December 2024
Permits Foundation, a not-forprofit corporate initiative that promotes direct work access for the spouses/partners of highly-skilled internationally mobile employees, is pleased to announce its upcoming advocacy work in the US, Singapore, Japan and Costa Rica!
This article is taken from the Winter 2024/25 issue of
Relocate Think Global People magazine
Click on the cover to access the digital edition.US elections
In the US, Permits Foundation has, for the past two decades, carried out extensive advocacy around facilitated work access for L2 and H4 spouses and has recommend extending the categories and definition of family members authorised to work incident to dependant status. With a newly elected President of the United States, the immigration policy landscape is likely to change and restrictions are anticipated. The Foundation will be monitoring developments as they are announced and will produce a position paper in early 2025.Next stop Singapore
The Foundation’s next advocacy activities will focus on Singapore. Currently, accompanying spouses can access work in Singapore but conditions apply. Measures introduced in 2021 restricted the categories of dependants able to access work via the letter of consent route. Most spouses now need an applicable work pass, which is subject to relevant qualifying salaries, dependency ratio ceiling and/or levies. Over the coming months, Permits Foundation is asking for network feedback on how dependant work access is impacting international family integration, talent attraction and employee experience in Singapore. Findings will be relayed to the Ministry of Manpower after Singapore’s elections (likely spring 2025). Members of the Relocate Global community are welcome to reach out to Permits Foundation to share input here.Two new advocacy areas: Japan & Costa Rica
Permits Foundation will be working in two new global mobility destinations next year. Destinations are chosen where there is interest from sponsors, where the economic and political environment is right and where there are a significant number of international organisations moving highlyskilled employees and their families into that country. In Costa Rica there is no direct work access via the Temporary Residence for Dependants visa. In Japan some dependants of Highly Skilled Professionals may work but conditions apply. For more information around legislation in these countries, and for those who would like to follow the Foundation’s progress, please take a look at the Japan and Costa Rica pages of the Permits Foundation interactive world map.Calling for feedback from the global mobility network
Permits Foundation welcomes feedback from the global mobility network around enabling dual careers in the US, Singapore, Japan, Costa Rica or in any country where we may be of assistance. Feel free to reach out to us at in joining our network?
Companies looking to help facilitate global partner employment access by joining the Permits Foundation network of sponsors can contact our foundation coordinator, Francoise van Roosmalen, at for information about becoming a sponsor.Further information
For a host of resources, including ‘The International Dual Careers Survey Report 2022’, visit permitsfoundation.comFor further details contact Kathleen Travaille, communications manager,

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