Priming talent pipelines: BP launches the Skills Refinery
Students in five pilot regions – Australia, Azerbaijan, Singapore, the UK and US – can hone critical workplace skills in a new online portal devised by BP.

Gamifying graduate training and skills
The Skills Refinery allows students to test themselves, track and progress their skills by using interactive quizzes to discover what these five skills mean in practice in the professional world. BP hopes students will find this free-to-join resource helpful in enhancing their essential professional skills in an engaging way.Take a look at other ways in which businesses are working with schools to build the talent pipeline in the new edition of the Guide to Education & Schools in the UK
To add an element of competition, BP will set an annual global challenge. Launching in December, students will be asked to form teams to compete via video submission at a national level.The national winners will go on to challenge each other at a global level for the chance to win an exclusive, all-expenses-paid trip next year to the One Young World Summit for its tenth anniversary in London.
Planning for future employment needs
BP is among other major graduate recruiters, like Jaguar Land-Rover, working with young people to improve employability and work in partnership with schools and education providers.
Equipping young people for success in a changing world
Julia Harvie-Liddel, group head of resourcing at BP, commented: “At BP we recognise that the world is changing fast. Technology and digitisation are transforming the workplace and the nature of work is quickly evolving. “We believe we can play a critical role in helping students ‘future proof’ their skills and better equip them to be successful in an ever-changing world.“We don’t know what the jobs of the future will be, but we can give students the skills to prepare for them. We hope the Skills Refinery will enable them to do just that.”BP plans a full global launch of the Skills Refinery for 2019. To access the Skills Refinery online platform, please follow the link to BP Skills Refinery. For related news and features, visit our Education & Schools pages.Subscribe to Relocate Extra, our monthly newsletter, to get all the latest international assignments and global mobility news.
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