International Baccalaureate May 2020 results update
In a media statement, the IB confirms that no IB student will incur an overall point score decrease from the originally issued grades.

The IB confirms that no IB student will incur an overall point score decrease from the originally issued grades as a result of these adjustments. With these adjustments, IB students will have another progression option to tertiary sectors and systems around the world where grade inflations have occurred, or grade comparability has maintained.
Universities around the world recognize the rigour of an IB education and the preparedness of IB students for further education. It is for this reason that the IB made this critical adjustment for this year’s graduating students, whilst maintaining the validity and recognition of IB Assessments for the benefit of all students including past and future cohorts.
In March, prioritizing student safety, the IB rapidly adjusted 50 years of traditional and trusted assessment approaches. The IB knew when making the decision, it would be a formidable task. However, extraordinary times required the IB, and the entire global educational community to adapt.
Since July, the IB has gathered and addressed feedback from IB World Schools. Of the 3020 schools receiving results in for the May 2020 session 700 schools have submitted a review request on behalf of their students. The IB’s review and analysis of the detailed information from schools offered invaluable insights, leading the IB to evaluate and recommend grade adjustments, where applicable. The IB remains steadfast in its support for its schools, students, and families. The IB embraces openness and accountability and has processes in place to ensure student assessments are accurate and fair.
The IB appreciates the inquiries, questions and comments received over the last several weeks, and will continue to support IB students and schools as they build a better world.
For more details on the adjustment, please go to
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